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Eco-Friendly Mulch Options: A Green Guide for Lawn Care Businesses
A brief guide to the different types of mulch and which ones to choose if your lawn care business is going green. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about something that only we lawn care business owners find interesting: mulch. Specifically, we’re continuing our...
The Pros and Cons of Hybrid and EV Trucks for Lawn Care Companies
A guide to the benefits and drawbacks of eco-friendly vehicles. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to keep talking about eco-friendly swaps for your lawn care business. Today, we’re tackling a big one: hybrid and electric trucks. Despite how much time they spend in the...
The Pros and Cons of Battery-Powered Lawn Trimmers and Blowers for your Lawn Care Business.
A brief guide to help you decide whether to make the switch to battery-powered blowers and trimmers. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here, back with another one about eco-friendly options for your lawn care business. As more and more people become invested in...
The Pros and Cons of Battery-Powered Lawn Mowers
Should your lawn care business ditch the pump and make the switch to battery mowers? Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to kick off a multi-part series on eco-friendly lawn care practices. These days, a lot of businesses and individuals alike are paying close attention to...
CLIP’s Guide to Buying Lawn Care Equipment at Auction
How to get well maintained lawn care equipment at a fantastic price. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to share some trade secrets about lawn care equipment. We’ve talked before about how to buy mowers and trucks for your lawn care business. But have you ever thought...
Leveraging the Lawn Care Business Post-Season for Future Success
Quieter days are ahead. Can you use them to make a plan for success? Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about fall cleanup. Now I’m not talking about bagging up fallen leaves and putting away the mower. I’m talking about fall cleanup for your lawn care business....
Lawn Care Business Automation With Clip: It’s not just for robots!
Your lawn care business can work faster and better with easy-to-use, automated tools from CLIP. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here with the word of the day: Automation. Automation is all over the news these days, along with drones, artificial intelligence, electric...
Practical Tips for Retaining International Lawn Care Workers
Boost lawn care worker retention and get better results by understanding what matters to your international team members. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about taking care of your own. Specifically, I’d like to share some thoughts about showing compassion for...
How CLIP Makes Your Lawn Care Business Tax Prep Easier?
Doing your taxes is a lot less stressful with CLIP. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here, with a topic that’s hardly anyone’s favorite: Taxes. (My apologies to my CPA friends; it’s just the truth!) Tax season can be stressful for small business owners, including us lawn...
A Lawn Care Business Owner’s Guide to Fall Clean-Up Services
Turn those falling leaves into big-time earnings for your lawn care business. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here about the end of the lawn care season… or not! It’s easy to think lawn care ends when fall hits and the grass slows down. But there’s still plenty of money to...