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3 Things to Remember Before Offering a Lawn Care Discount
Don’t start chopping prices unless you’re sure it’s worth it. (It won’t be.) Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about discounts—and how to be smart about them. I have strong opinions about charging fairly for your work and your worth. Recently, I wrote about the...
5 Questions for Evaluating Off-Season Revenue Opportunities for your Lawn Maintenance Company
A handy guide to deciding what, if any, extra services you could be offering. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about ways your lawn maintenance company can earn money in the off season. In most parts of the United States, the grass doesn’t grow all year round....
Avoid the Low Bid Trap: Pricing Strategies for Your Lawn Maintenance Business
Why it’s so important to charge fairly for your lawn maintenance business services. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about the dangers of bidding low or undercharging for your services. You can’t leave the house these days without seeing ads for “unbeatable...
Use Lawn Maintenance Door Hangers to Win Customers
How to make an already great lawn maintenance marketing strategy even more effective. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about one of my favorite old-school marketing tactics: The trusty door hanger. We’ve talked about marketing on the blog before, and you’ll...
How to Categorize your Lawn Maintenance Clients
Boost efficiency and profit by creating custom categories for your lawn maintenance customers. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about classifying your lawn maintenance—and maybe even your crews. The size of their business, its operational scope, and the market...
A Lawn Maintenance Controversy: Should You Bag Grass Clippings?
A brief debate on the pros and cons of bagging up the clippings after a mowing job. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here. We talk about grass a lot around here, but today we’re talking specifically about what to do with it. Specifically: Should you bag it? Like many topics,...
Lawn Maintenance Business Management: Hiring the Right Person
Tips for finding the right fit to manage your lawn maintenance business. Hey, Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about finding the right right-hand man—or woman—for your lawn maintenance business. If your lawn maintenance business is on a growth trajectory, there will...
Becoming a True Lawn Care Professional
Three strategies to cultivating your reputation as a true lawn care professional. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about what it takes to be a lawn care pro. And I don’t just mean being a pro at mowing lawns. I want to share my thoughts on what it means to be a...
What to do about poo? A guide to lawn care cleanup.
A brief lawn care cleanup guide to the unpleasant reality of canine poo. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about who’s going to clean up after the dog. More specifically, we will talk about what to do when your customers don’t clean up after the dog. Nearly forty...
Making the Smart Decision about Big Lawn Care Jobs
Taking on a big law care job is not a simple decision. Hey Clippers! Dave Tucker here to talk about really big bids. When you own a lawn care business, you’re bound to encounter the occasional huge job. 500 acres, 1000 acres, huge properties. And I absolutely...